COVID-19 Airway Management Resource Center National Course Attendance Policy

Now Available for iPhone and Android!

The Difficult Airway App™ is an essential tool for clinicians who manage emergency airways in any setting: the ED, ICU, in-patient unit or the many EMS practice environments.

Developed by Ron M. Walls, MD, Michael F. Murphy, MD and Robert C. Luten, MD, with significant updates by Calvin A. Brown III, MD.

The right drugs, the right doses, the right way!

This app rapidly and easily selects the right drugs for RSI, automatically adjusting for body habitus and qualitative blood pressure as appropriate. Pediatric dosing and equipment selection is a snap using the Broselow-Luten color system or the child’s estimated weight.

Keeps you on the right track!

The Difficult Airway App™ guides the user quickly and easily through key algorithms, predictors of the difficult airway and the step-by-step approach to RSI taught in The Difficult Airway Course: Emergency™.

The Difficult Airway App™ features:

Easy, yet sophisticated adult and pediatric drug dosing

  • A few simple clicks brings you the recommended adult dose – incorporating patient weight, body habitus and hemodynamics
  • Pediatric drug dosing incorporates the familiar Broselow-Luten color-coded system (developed by James Broselow, MD and Robert Luten, MD) for rapid, safe management of pediatric airway cases.
  • Customize your formulary, so only the drugs you use appear in the recommendations, minimizing clutter and potential confusion.

Decision-making support

  • Straight-forward algorithms allow you to quickly determine the best approach to your patient’s airway.
  • Easy mnemonics walk you through predictors of a difficult airway – including difficult laryngoscopy (LEMON), difficult BMV (ROMAN), difficult extraglottic device use (RODS), and difficult cricothyrotomy (SMART).
  • Pearls of wisdom, based on evidence and expert opinion, are offered throughout.

Rapid Sequence Intubation

  • The 7Ps of RSI are covered – providing a step-by-step guide for adult and pediatric patients.
  • Adult and pediatric RSI drug dosing

Educational Resources

  • Richly detailed illustrations of the airway anatomy
  • Links to information about The Difficult Airway Course™



If you have questions about this app, please visit our Contact Us page.