Optimizing Airway Management without medication for ALS providers

  • Learn critical airway management techniques — including use of video laryngoscopy and other advanced imaging devices, extraglottic devices, and cricothyrotomy.
  • Learn a simple approach to airway assessment.
  • Work with experienced faculty who know the unique challenges facing EMS providers.
  • Use proven airway devices in small group sessions.
  • Practice decision-making and airway techniques in Code AirwayTM stations.
  • Face the most challenging patient scenarios in a no-risk environment.
  • Meet your continuing education requirements. This one-day course is approved by CAPCE.

Hands-on Training in Crucial Airway Topics:

  • Difficult and failed airway management
  • Video laryngoscopy and other advanced imaging devices
  • Pediatric airway management
  • Endotracheal tube introducers (bougie)
  • Surgical cricothyrotomy
  • Extraglottic devices
  • CPAP and BiPAP
  • Confirmation with capnography

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Essentials of Advanced Airway Management

Sint-Niklaas, Belgium

February 23, 2026


+32 495 34 70 85 

Contact Email


Course Fees:

Course fees vary. Please contact the Authorized Training Center in your area for more information.

Become a Training Center

For further information about becoming an Authorized Training Center please contact Terry Steele at tsteele@theairwaysite.com

More Information →

CE Credits 

This CE activity is accredited for 8.0 Advanced CEH by Airway Management Education Center, an organization accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Pre-Hospital Continuing Education (CAPCE).
CAPCE Activity #: 23-AMEC-F2-0003. Provider #: AMEC1227.

Sample Schedule Download PDF

Essentials of Advanced Airway Management

0700 - 0800


0800 - 0900


0900 - 1030

Four Essential Skills to Prevent & Manage the Difficult Airway

1030 - 1045


1045 - 1245

Skills Rotations:
BMV, EGAs, Endotracheal Intubation, Surgical Airways

1245 - 1315


1315 - 1345

Pediatric Airways

1345 - 1415

Lecture (Course Director's Choice):
Non-Invasive Positive Pressure Ventilation (NIPPV)
- OR -
Care of the Intubated Patient

1415 - 1430


1430 - 1630

Code Airway™ Stations
Adult Trauma, Adult Medical, Pediatrics

Additional Skills Stations
Unique EMS Situations, NIPPV and Transport Ventilator

(Instructor to choose 4 sessions from the above options)

1630 - 1700

Written Self-Test

1700 - 1730

Interactive Review of Test


Regional Course Directors

Name Email Area
Fabio Biavati info@alsbologna.it Southern Europe: Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Principalities of Monaco and San Marino
Cory Cox cory.cox@hsc.utah.edu USA: Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Alaska
Fred Ellinger fred.ellinger@difficultairway.net USA: Delaware, Washington DC, Maryland, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania
John Bastian Etti etti@bildungsakademie-mettmann.de Germany, Austria, Switzerland
James Habstritt james@promedics.org Canada: Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan
Carl Haentjens carl@emtaccs.be Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, France
Michael Keller mkeller@camdeneducation.net USA: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia
Estevão Lafuente, MD emlafuente@mac.com Portugal, Spain, Gibraltar, Andorra
Joey Loehner joey.loehner@emsrx.com USA: Arkansas, Arizona, California, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas

South America: Ecuador
Rudy Princi Rudolph.Princi@stonybrookmedicine.edu USA: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island
Terry Steele tsteele@theairwaysite.com USA: Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas

South America: Brazil
Jamie Todd jamie@theairwaysite.com Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Malta, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Hungary, Former Yugoslavia (Bosnia, Macedonia, Serbia), Albania, Greece, Turkey, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Romania, Bulgaria and Moldova, Algeria, Israel, Saudi Arabia, South Africa